
Leadership Resources


Leading Renewal
Lectures on Revivals of Religion by William B. Sprague
A great resource to have on promoting renewal in a local church. Written in 1832 by those who witnessed renewal first hand.

An Unstoppable Force by Erwin Raphael McManus
McManus leads a multicultural church in Los Angeles called mosaic. Great book on how to systematically build the culture of a church that is essential to any real change.

Leading Change by John P. Kotter
A business book that is the classic on leadership and change. A must read.

Spiritual Entrepreneurs: Six Principles for Risking Renewal by Michael Slaughter
Contains good basic information that will encourage those facing an uphill battle.

Leadership Principles
7 Practices of Effective Ministry by Andy Stanley
A good practical book that will help you focus your ministry and simplify what you do for greater impact .

Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality by Dr. Henry Cloud
Six essential qualities that lead to leadership effectiveness.  Dr. Cloud has written many leadership books and each book will develop you as a leader. 

Discipleship / Training
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a Time by GregOgden
A great place to start if you are developing a discipleship system. The book presents a compelling case for relationship based discipleship and sets forth the essential principles of a church based system. Also has an excellent bibliography of other resources.

T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution by Steve Smith and Yong Kai
An amazing book about strategies that led to a massive church planting movement. An important book for anyone with a vision for reaching the lost. Training for trainers is a key.

Mentoring & Coaching
The Power of Mentoring: Shaping People Who Will Shape the World by Martin Sanders
A must read for anyone seriously interested in developing others. Martin Sanders focus us on character development in a way that is truly life changing.

Social Media
The Connected Church by Natchi Lazarus
A good resource to help develop a social media strategy for your ministry

Spiritual Formation

Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.
An easy to understand and apply road map for personal spiritual formation.

Listening to God in Times of Choice: The Art of Discerning God's Will by Gordon T. Smith
A great book that connects the spiritual disciplines to guidance from God

Formaccion espiritual: Una Guia Para Responder al Supremo Llamamiento por Wesley D. Tracy y otros.
Un libro en espanol que es una buena recourso para un leader.

Video Resources


  1. These are an excellent tips. These are basically leadership tips that will help leaders in many ways. Excel Leadership Group also do same thing by providing guidance to the leaders so that they can perform better in an organization.
